The best time is family time


Work, smartphones, social media, they are taking up all our time. But at the end of the day, there's no better time than familytime. So as the number 1 familybrand in the Netherlands, McDonald's wanted to bring family time back to the table with a special campaign.


In the commercial we follow a teenager who's hanging with his friends. But then he does something completely out of character: he orders a Happy Meal. What is he thinking? And what does his friends think of him?


Director: Ismael Heuvel & Bascha de Bruijn (Pink Rabbit)

Happy out of home

For the Family campaign we created these portraits based on the iconic Happy Meal smile of the even more iconic Happy Meal box. The McDonald's product that makes every child happy. And parents too...


Photography: Chris & Marjan

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Family Mode

The McDonald's App has become a phenomenon among youngsters, but when it comes to families, the App has not unlocked its full potential yet. By using the phone as an enabler of family time instead of a distraction, we changed all that. And we let McDonald's reclaim their position as number one family brand.


Design: TBWA\X

Production: Pink Rabbit

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